PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

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PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by arcaneAgilmente » Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:22 pm

EDIT (SEP/2021) Surprise! I remembered to do something for once; Fresh download links and all.

Is GD even around anymore? No? Okay then.
The irc server is still up and running so we might as well have a good time.
Since I've been hosting the program myself for so long, I might as well make the thread here too.
This is largely going to be a copy and paste of the old thread with my download links in it. Big surprise everyone.


Download the following: ... s/releases
If you're on Catalina and get an unsigned application error, google is your friend.


To be filled in later. Eventually will have a bit on recommended IRC clients and client-sent garbage to (potentially) filter.

Download the following: Temporary Unavailable WILLFIX
Note: I will probably give this version a "final" update sometime in a couple of months. It works just fine as-is but needs a few small bug fixes implimented.

IF YOU WANT TO DEBUG PESTERCHUM (usually if someone's asked you to post a debug log)
* Download the debug version:
* Unzip it and copy the files into your Pesterchum directory (usually C:\Pesterchum)
* Run the pesterchum_debug.exe file.
* After you encounter the problem you've been having, exit Pesterchum.
* Open the "debug.log" file, then copy and paste the text into or some other pastebin
* Post the link to the pastebin.

A warning: the conversations you have while running this version will be in the log, so don't discuss anything private.

If you ever want to move your conversations and whatnot to a new computer:
To transfer from computer A to computer B

- Download this on computer A:

- Run it; it will copy your personal files to the folder of your choice (defaults to the Desktop). The files from this new Pesterchum will be in the "pesterchum" folder, files from old Pesterchum will be in "oldpesterchum", and failed backup files will be in "pesterchum_backup".

- Choose the folder you want to copy, and copy it to a USB stick or zip it and put it online, or however you want to get it over to your other computer.

- Copy the folder from Computer A to Computer B.

- On computer B, install Pesterchum for new users.

- On your computer B, go to Start -> My Computer or Start -> Computer. Then in the Location bar, type %LOCALAPPDATA% and hit Enter.

- Open the folder that says "pesterchum". If there isn't any folder marked that, create a new folder there named "pesterchum".

- Open the folder that came from Computer A, and move all the files in it to the folder you just opened.

All set! Now you should be able to run the files on the new computer.


As always, ghostDunk is the final say on moderation matters (at least on the main Pesterchum server). If you feel something unfair is going on, don't hesitate to contact him.

1. We will not tolerate attempts to ERP or any other NSFW behavior with unwilling chums or in public memos. (Anything in the comic is considered SFW.)
2. No racist or homophobic or otherwise hateful handles or speech.
3. Do not attempt to impersonate any user.
4. If a user has blocked you, do not attempt to harrass them by circumventing it.
5. Repeated and chronic abuse of the canon rules.
6. Spamming users or memos excessively.
7. Repeatedly rejoining memos you are kicked from.
8. Running intrusive bots.

Bannable offenses can carry a ban of anywhere from a day to forever, depending on severity.

MEMOS: Memos are property of and controlled by the people that started them. They are given free reign and no mod support except in cases where one of the above rules is broken. Small exceptions will be made for canon memos (so far #ADORABLOODTHIRSTY and #R41NBOW_RUMPUS_P4RTYTOWN), where users can appeal to moderators if they feel they've been treated unfairly.


1. Canon handles are FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVE.
2. You are only allowed one handle at a time!
3. If you are idle for more than 15 minutes, you will be removed. Please respond to calSprite.
4. There is a "soft" time limit of 6 hours: if you are online for more than 6 hours in the last 24 hours (check calSprite to see your online time), then you are obliged to give up the handle to anyone who asks. This is a maximum limit -- if you've been on for a good while but not quite 6 hours (rule of thumb: 3-5 hrs) and someone wants to get on the handle, we encourage you to be nice and let them have a turn. They'll probably return the favor! (Also, please don't be scared to ask people to get on a canon handle!)
5. Canon roleplaying is a PUBLIC SERVICE. The idea is that anyone who logs on can chat with their favorite characters. As such, you must not appear as "absconded" and you must respond to any and all pesters. Note, however, that canon roleplayers are not obliged to keep your conversation going, nor are they expected to put up with straight up harassment. Also keep in mind that someone roleplaying a TROLL is under no obligation to be nice to you. There is a large about of subjectivity here; please copy and paste logs to and submit them to a moderator if you have any complaints.
6. Do your best and stay IN CHARACTER on these handles.
7. Memos are somewhat of an exception. Canons can choose which memos (if any) they want to join. As such, there aren't any restrictions on how they can act in memos as long as they follow the general rules. If you don't want someone OOC in an IC memo, feel free to kick and ban them!
8. If you are with a roommate or a friend sharing the same connection, and you both want to get on a handle first, you must get permission from a mod to do so first. (Added 12/12/11)

List of canons:

apocalypseArisen, arsenicCatnip, arachnidsGrip, adiosToreador, caligulasAquarium, cuttlefishCuller, carcinoGeneticist, centaursTesticle, grimAuxiliatrix, gallowsCalibrator, gardenGnostic, gutsyGumshoe, ectoBiologist, golgothasTerror, twinArmageddons, terminallyCapricious, turntechGodhead, tipsyGnostalgic, tentacleTherapist, timaeusTestified, uranianUmbra


"Semi-canon" handles are handles that are clearly supposed to be characters from the MSPA comic. e.g. docScratch, These are NOT alts! Alts are alternative handles for canon handles. Exception: Misspellings of semi-canon handles (e.g. "theSigmless") are considered alts.

2. Moderators will not boot people on these handles (except for any of the Bannable Offenses). If you want on one, just come up with a different name since there is no "official" name. e.g. if docScratch is taken, use doctorScratch. Be inventive if you have to.
4. There are two named handles that I don't care enough to protect: ghostlyTrickster and fedoraFreak. These are considered "semi-canon."

Here's a list of examples (though definitely not an exhaustive list): theSignless, mindfangSpinneret, spadesSlick, heartsBoxcars, nannaSprite, waywardVagabond, broBot, autoResponder, becNoir, andrewHussie, msPaint


People are encouraged to create "alts" -- alternative spellings or misspellings of existing canon handles. That way everyone can RP their favorite characters and people that want to do AU stuff or whatever crazy idea you might have. You can register an alt by contacting calSprite (see calSprite directions). Right click a canon handle to see the alts currently online, show them some love.

1. Please register your alts with nickserv. This will stop bickering over alts.
2. Do not attempt to impersonate someone on their alt! This is a bannable offense.


Some people seem to be confused about exactly what moderators can and cannot do. This is the list of things moderators can do:

1. They can remove you from the above canon handles.
2. They can tell calSprite to initiate an idle check.
3. They receive all reports when online.
4. They can inform admins of infractions and recommend disciplinary action.

They CANNOT remove or ban any regular user, semi-canon, or alt.

There are admins, too (technically IRCops). They can do the following in addition to the above:

1. Ban users for any amount of time.
2. See users' real IP addresses. (Note: everyone can see people's masked IP addresses.)
3. Change channel and nick registration settings.

Your list of moderators:

Your list of admins:

And to reiterate, please message the above if you feel you are being treated unfairly .

frequen7ly asked ques7i0ns - PLEASE READ!!!
Q: Pesterchum doesn't open!
A: Your default profile is most-likely borked because windows is a picky bitch. Run the degbugger, post in the thread and someone'll help you out

Q: When I run Pesterchum, it starts loading but then quits and nothing happens!
A: Make sure your default profile is in the profiles directory (go to your local app directory; you can get there by typing %LOCALAPPDATA% in your file explorer address bar). If it isn't, check your pesterchum backup directory for it. If it's not there, you'll have to go into pesterchum.js file and remove your profile as the default.

Q: How do I change my themes??
A: We moved the theme changer to "Options" under the "Client" menu.

Q: When a toast pops up, it interrupts whatever I'm typing or doing and it's really annoying!
A: This is a known bug, unfortunately. You can turn the notifications off in the "Options" menu under "Clients" if this really bugs you.

Q: I keep getting the error message "The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect"!
A: Try downloading both: and

Q: I opened up PC, closed it, and now it says my user name is taken!
A: The "X" doesn't close the program, just minimizes it to your system tray. To exit the program you must go to Client -> Exit.

Q: Norton says it has a virus and then deletes it!
A: Read this helpful Norton FAQ (behind spoiler tag):
Alright, here's a guide to by-passing Norton:
First, to download Pesterchum:
1: Make sure you're on a Moderator account. Moreso for the Norton steps than these ones.
2: Download the .zip file, not the .exe file.
3: Unzip the .zip file onto memory. Pesterchum should now be installed.

Now, to by-pass Norton:
1: Make sure you're still on a moderator account.
2: Open up Norton.
3: Click on 'Settings' up in the upperright hand corner.
4: Click on 'Anitivirus', off to the upper left. It has a small image of a needle or something similar off to it's side.
5: There's a word that reads 'SONAR protection' halfway to the bottomleft. Off to it's right, there's a bar that's half green. Click on the bar.
6: It will warn you about turning off SONAR. Have it set to turn back on when the system restarts.
7: If done properly, the background for the main page of Norton(what you saw on steps 2-3) has turned an apocaliptic red. Feel free to close Norton now. Keep in mind to stay off suspicious online sites now.
8: Open up Pesterchum, and let the chummy convos begin.

When finished:
First, Log off of Pesterchum. LOG OFF, NOT CLOSE IT.
Then, you can either shut off your comp, and Norton will re-enable SONAR, or you can repeat steps 1-5, except turning the red bar green. If done right, Norton will be it's happy color again.
Keep in mind that you must repeat all of this(other than the download) every time you want to get on Pesterchum.

Hope this is helpful!

(This guide brought to you by the slightly combined efforts of empireomega and Xanaomin)

Q: I can't connect because my school/university/network/stolen wifi is blocking my connection! OR I can't seem to connect to the server at all and I'm not running any firewalls!
A: Edit your pesterchum.js file. (In your local app data folder: on Windows 7 it's C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local or you can just type %LOCALAPPDATA% in your location bar) Open it up in notepad or something, and then edit the beginning so it looks like this:
{"port": "1413", ....
where the .... is the rest of the gobbledygook there.

Q: It's still not working!
A: I've just opened another port that will be more likely to work on campuses and other highly policed networks. Basically just do the trick above, but replace "1413" with "21".
{"port": "21", ....
Q: The mood buttons on Pesterchum 6.0 don't match up to what it sets your mood to! What gives?
A: The mood names are just there to look canon. It is intentional.

Q: Can we resize the main window?
A: No. This is done so we can offer more flexible UI creation. It's a
lot easier to make themes that look canon this way.

Q: Can we have different chum rolls for different users?
A: No. Use chum groups to organize your chums.

Q: You should make it so you can ban specific time frames in memos.
A: This was too complicated to implement.

HOW TO USE CALSPRITE If he even is still online??? -AA
Basic commands (for now):

ONLINE Will show you how long a handle has been on in the last 24 hrs. Example: "ONLINE carcinoGeneticist".
ONLINETIMES Will show you the list of logins and logouts of a handle in the last 24 hrs. Example: "ONLINETIMES carcinoGeneticist"
HELP for anything else

List of available smilies:

Code: Select all

* :rancorous:
* :apple:
* :bathearst:
* :cathearst:
* :woeful:
* :pleasant:
* :blueghost:
* :slimer:
* :candycorn:
* :cheer:
* :duhjohn:
* :datrump:
* :facepalm:
* :bonk:
* :mspa:
* :gun:
* :cal:
* :amazedfirman:
* :amazed:
* :chummy:
* :cool:
* :smooth:
* :distraughtfirman
* :distraught:
* :insolent:
* :bemused:
* :3:
* :mystified:
* :pranky:
* :tense:
* :record:
* :squiddle:
* :tab:
* :beetip:
* :flipout:
* :befuddled:
* :pumpkin:
* :trollcool:
* :jadecry:
* :ecstatic:
* :relaxed:
* :discontent:
* :devious:
* :sleek:
* :detestful:
* :mirthful:
* :manipulative:
* :vigorous:
* :perky:
* :acceptant:
* :olliesouty:
* :billiards:
* :billiardslarge:
* :whatdidyoudo:
[v2.1.3.1] - 2021-8-24

Memo messages for the following channel modes: zMQNRODGPCrR (see for info)
(Memo messages for registration is pretty much the only useful one out of these.)
More comprehensive logging for DEBUG (Might be a bit obtuse so I'll probably make it more consistent later).


Rewrote channel mode function to fix crash when user and channel modes were set in a single command, this also fixes:
Crash when being the only person in a non-persistent memo you own while having autoop enabled (with nickServ).

[v2.1.3] - 2021-8-09
Added script to make building with pyinstaller more convenient.
Themes by cubicSimulation.
Link to server rules under help.


Crash when opening invite-only memo. (My bad-)
Random encounters occasionally not being disabled when switched off. (RE bot is now updated after connect and on profile switch.)
A few memo/convo related syntax errors in a few themes.
nothing.png being missing in some themes.
64-bit crt for PyInstaller.
Manual chumroll sorting not working.


Honk emote now only triggers when typing ':honk:' instead of on every 'honk'.
Logging is now configured in logging.conf and logs are also writen to pesterchum.log by default.
Warnings/Errors are now logged to pesterchum.log as well as console.

[v2.1.2] - 2021-4-16



Colors in direct messages sometimes not working.
Handles sometimes not showing up in chumroll or trollslum.


Separate handling for canon handles on chumroll because it was buggy and unneeded.

Changed build description to just "Pesterchum"
Made file capitalization consistent for a few files. (.PNG --> .png), because some file systems are queasy on that, and it wasn't working on Debian. (See ... -and-linux)

[v2.1.1] - 2021-4-12

Fixed theme not getting applied correctly to memo.
Fixed sRGB profile in steamchum.


convo/tabwindow on trollian 2.5 seems to be used for the general background color, so, I changed it to a value. I'm not use if this was intentional.

[v2.1.0] - 2021-4-11

Server prompt + interface for adding & removing servers.
Consistently capitalized text for all themes, for example, "REPORT BUG" to "Report Bug" for Trollian.
Added theme support for "Beep on Message", "Flash on Message", "Mute Notifications".
"Usage:" for when running from the command line.
Made logging level configurable via command line arguments.
Added -h/--help.


Fixed current mood icon not showing up.
Fixed "CHUMHANDLE:" not fitting on some themes.
Fixed "CONSOLE" & "REPORT BUG" menu options not being updated on theme change.
Incorrect hex for color in MSChum theme.
Fixed _datadir not being used for certain json files.
Fixed "Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0,0,0,0'" in johntierchum.
Fixed "RGB parameters out of range" in MSChum.
Fixed nothing.png not being present in battlefield theme.
Fixed "Report" string not being updated in convo window when changing theme.
Fixed pesterChumAction's text not being updated in memo windows when changing theme.
Fixed incorrect sRGB profile in paperchum.
Fixed sound slider in settings not working with pygame.
Fixed MOOD & CHUMHANDLE not adjusting to style-sheet.


Made it so handle and ident are passed to _max_msg_len, so, hopefully the text cutoff will be slightly less restrictive.


Removed splitMessage function.

[v2.0.2] - 2021-4-2

"Fixed" crash when closing certain windows on certain platforms.

[v2.0.1] - 2021-4-1

Added a fallback for non-unicode characters, and for when decoding fails completely, so hopefully they won't cause a crash anymore.

[v2.0] - 2021-3-25

Added styleing/markup to "PESTER" and "ADD GROUP" menu options and some other previously unstyled elements :)
Added pesterchum.spec for use with pyinstaller.
Wrapped socket in SSL context and changed the port appropriately, hostname verification is turned off.
Pesterchum now sends a QUIT :reason to the server when shutting down instead of just quitting instantly.


Transitioned to Python 3.
Transitioned to PyQt5.
Changed character encoding in some placed from ascii to UTF-8 (Emojis should work now)
Rewrote file & added bdist_msi


Fixed sRGB profile issue with certain images.
Fixed issue where Pesterchum crashed if a quirk was malformed.
Fixed Pesterchum icon getting stuck on the system tray even after shutdown on windows.
Fixed floating "PESTERLOGS:" in pesterchum & pesterchum2.5 themes.


Removed update system (it seemed to be non-functional).
Removed MSPA update checking (non-functional since Homestuck ended).
Removed (feedparser) and (python-magic) from libs and changed them to be normal imports. (Because we're not running Python 2 anymore)

[pre-v1.20] - 2021-2-25

Made the server configurable with server.json


Fixed issue where Pesterchum would crash when unable to find the default profile.
Fixed rare issue where auto-identifying to nickserv would cause Pesterchum to crash.


Removed dead links to Pesterchum QDB from menus.
Removed no longer functional bugreport system.
Last edited by arcaneAgilmente on Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:16 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by arcaneAgilmente » Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:22 pm


Remeber: Right-click is your friend! There are useful right click options on the chumroll, by clicking the chumhandle in a conversation, online userlist, or the list of memo browsers.

If this is your first time running Pesterchum 3.41, you need to create a new profile. Just type in your chum handle in the box and click the color swatch to pick your color. Check the "Set This Profile As Default" checkbox to make this your default profile.
To begin pestering, first click the "ADD CHUM" button and type in their pester handle. The handle must be all lower case except for one capital letter. Once you've added that person, they will appear on your chumroll. You can double click to begin pestering them, or right-click to bring up a menu where you can pester them, block them, or remove them from your chumroll. (Or you can select them and hit "enter" OR hit the "PESTER" button.)
Once you begin pestering somebody (or they begin pestering you), it will bring up the conversation window. Here you can type to your chum.
Also remember that if you right-click on the area just above the Pesterlog, it will bring up a list of options: Quirks Off will turn your quirks off, Add Chum will add this chum to your list, and Block will block them. (Those last two options are useful if you are being pestered by someone you don't have on your list yet!)

While pestering your chum, here are some useful features:

* Type /me to create a system message. "/me facepalms." will generate:
-- arcaneAgilmente [AA] facepalms. --
You can also append 's after /me like so: "/me's computer exploded."
-- arcaneAgilmente's [AA'S] computer exploded. --
In fact, any characters you type after a /me before the space will be added: "/meing is the Arcane Association's official pastime."
-- arcaneAgilmenteing [AAING] is the Arcane Association's official pastime. --

* Color tags! If you feel the need to talk about The Green Sun or add some appleberry blast to your conversation, just use color tags. You can use type your color in a lot of different ways:
- You can use the familiar r,g,b method:
"<c=0,255,0>The Green Sun</c>"
- You can use HTML tags:
- You can even use plain color names:
"<c=red>D4V3 TH1S 1S SO D3C4D3NT</c>"
(list: )
- You don't even have to add the </c> if you are lazy. Just use a new color tag whenever you want to change colors and PC 3.14 will add the extra tags for you.

* URLS (anything with http:// in front of it) will automatically be detected and made into a link you can CLIPK.

* You can also link people to memos by typing "#" and the name of the menu like so: #R41NBOW_RUMPUS_P4RTYTOWN
Clicking the link will open up the memo select menu.

* Smilies! Type them the same way you would forum smilies.

* Don't worry about your quirks screwing up any of the above: PC will apply your quirks AFTER it figures out color codes, links, smilies, etc.

* Pressing the up arrow will cycle through a history of your comments, so if you want to retype something, you can pull it up.
Last edited by arcaneAgilmente on Wed Oct 07, 2020 11:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:33 pm
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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by arcaneAgilmente » Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:23 pm

One of the most interesting features to make was the memos, and make them as close to the comic as I could without actually inventing time travel. So here is the TIME TUTORIAL:

Joining: When you go CLIENT->MEMOS, you'll see a list of memos pop up -- those are memos people already have open. To join one, just highlight one of them. If you want to make a new memo, just type it in the input. If you'd like to make it secret, so that it doesn't appear in the list, check "HIDDEN CHANNEL". If you want it so that people can only enter if you invite them, choose "INVITATION ONLY." Then, choose what timeframe you want to appear to be in. So if you wanted to be in the future, you could move the slider to the right. You can also enter the time manually. Then hit JOIN.

Explaining time: Time in memos, unlike Homestuck, will not be relative to your position. That is, if you choose 4:13 in the future, you will not see someone who has set their time as "current" (or "0") in the past: you will see them as "current" and yourself as "future." This is because we do not have time travel! Memo time setting is basically an RP mechanic: you are pretending to be from the future! It will also help keep everyone straight: everyone will see the same thing!

The time slider: The slider shows your current position in the time stream. If you want to change your time frame, simply move the slider (or type a time in) and hit GO. This will open a new time frame, and the next time you type a message, the memo will show that you've responded to it in that time frame. You can now switch between your time frames simply by clicking the arrows in the right hand corner. (THIS COMES IN HANDY IF YOU WANT TO ARGUE WITH YOURSELF.) You can have any number of open time frames, and the program will number them in the order in which you open them (like in the comic). You can have one of your time frames cease responding to the memo by hitting "CLOSE." If you open that time frame again, the program will remember the number it originally gave it. If you want to be mysteeeeeeeerious, you can type in "?" and you will appear as ???.

The memo viewer list: To the right is a list of people currently browsing the memo. A shade icon next to their name means they are the "operator" of the memo: meaning they can kick ("ban") people from the memo and make other people operators as well. A "ban" is not permanent (like in the comic, they function like "kicks" instead), and the program will ask if you want to reconnect to the memo. You kick and op people by right clicking their name in the window. You can also add them to your chumroll!

Inviting people to your memo: You can link to a memo by simply typing "#nameofmemo" in any conversation or memo window. So you can say:


and it will appear as a link that you can click, which will open the memo chooser window.

Here's a step by step visual of how memos work:
Moved the slider over to 4:13
Hit "GO" and typed "whats up asshole"; client shows me responding to the memo in the future!
Setting the slider to 14:13 now... and when I hit "GO" and type, it will show me entering in a NEW time frame of 14:13 in the future, and adds a number (like in the comic).
Let's try setting it to 7:30 in the past and hit GO...
And now I appear in the past!
Now, I clicked the black arrow in the lower right corner to cycle through my open time frames. That switches the time frame automatically (without having to hit GO), and when I get to my Current time frame, I typed my message.
Hit the arrow again to go back to the first Future Me. Notice it added the "1" in!
Hit the CLOSE button to exit from that time frame. It will automatically cycle to the next time frame.

Cycled to the next time frame. Notice that it's still FAA2, just like in the comic.
Moved the slider to 4:13 and hit "GO" -- this reopened the time frame, AND the memo remembered which Future Arcane Agilmente it was!
You can also add chums directly from the userlist window. And, if you created the menu or are made a memo op, you can kick people or make other users ops!
Chum List:
* Hide Offline Chums: Hides chums that are offline or appearing as offline.
* Show Empty Groups: Shows chum groups that are empty.
* Show Number Of Online Chums: Shows number of online chums in a group.
* Sort Chums: Shows how you can sort chums.
* Low Bandwidth: For very slow connections. Lowers bandwidth but basically puts you in stealth mode: no one can see you are online, and you can't see if anyone else is, either.
* Time Stamps: Show time stamps or not, and the format to show them in.
* Show Seconds: Show seconds in time stamps.
* Use animated smilies: Animated smilies now tend to work pretty well, though occasionally they may slow your machine down. If that happens, go here to turn them off.
* Receive random encounters: Register yourself with the random encounter bot and let the world know you want random people to pester you!
* Tabbed Conversations: Have all conversations in one window or many.
* Tabbed Memos: Same thing but for memos.
* Minimize: Controls the behavior of the "minimize" button.
* Close: Controls the behavior of the "close" button.
* Blink taskbar on pesters: Blinks your taskbar when you get a pester.
* Blink taskbar on memos: Same, but for memos.

* Sounds on: Turn sounds on or off.
* Pester sounds: Turn sounds for pesters on or off.
* Memo sounds: Turn sounds for memos on or off.
* Memo ping: Turn the ping for every memo message on or off.
* Memo mention: When someone types your initials (or a custom mention you create), make a noise.
* Edit mentions: Set up the list of what Pesterchum considers a "mention" of you. For example, you could set it so that whenever someone said "dunk" it would consider that a mention and ping you.
* Master volume: Turn pester sounds up or down.
* Toast notifications: Turn the alerts in the bottom right on or off.
* Chum signs in/out: Show a notification when your chum signs in/out.
* New messages: Alert on a new message.
* Only new conversations: But only if it's a new conversation.
* Memo mentions: Alert on a mention of you (like with sounds above).
* Edit Mentions: Set up the list of what Pesterchum considers a "mention" of you. For example, you could set it so that whenever someone said "dunk" it would consider that a mention and ping you.
* Log all pesters: Turns logging for pesters on or off.
* Log all memos: Turns logging for memos on or off.
* Log Stamps For Pesters: Turns time stamps for pesterlogs on or off.
* Log Stamps For Memos: Turns time stamps for memo logs on or off.
* Minutes before Idle: Sets the amount of time you will idle before Pesterchum marks you as idle.
* Check for Pesterchum Updates: How often the program will check for Pesterchum updates.
* Check for MSPA Updates: Check this box to check for MSPA updates!
* Change your theme here!

MEMOS: Opens the Memo list as above.

PESTERLOGS: Open the pester log browser.

RANDOM ENCOUNTER: Pester a random person.

USERLIST: Shows a list of all the users that are currently logged onto Pesterchum. Right-click their names and select "ADD CHUM" to add them to your chum roll!

IDLE: Make yourself an idle chum. You will appear as idle until you uncheck this box, or if you *actually* go idle (stop using the computer) for 10 minutes and then come back.

ADD GROUP: Add a chum group.

IMPORT: Imports your old Pesterchum 2.0, 2.5 and Tinychum chum rolls. This will also import your old quirks from Pesterchum 2.5. Just browse to the location of your pesterchum.cfg and open it.

RECONNECT: Forces PC to reconnect to the server.

EXIT: noooooooooooooooooooooooo

QUIRKS: Opens the quirks menu. More on that below!

TROLLSLUM: Opens up the window where you can view people you've blocked. You can add and remove people to the list from here as well.

COLOR: Change your text color here!

SWITCH: Switch your profile! You can have any number of profiles, and PC will save your color, quirks, and theme for that profile. Chumrolls and block lists are the same for all profiles. Feel free to have multiple instances of PC running on two or more handles!
HELP: Currently takes you to a dead page. Sorry.
CALSPRITE: Used to notify moderators of canon handle based shenanigans (idling, checking how long they've been online, etc.)
NICKSERV: Used to register your handle. Upon registration you can do cool things like owning memos, setting kickoff times for your own handle if the user isn't yourself, etc.
CHANSERV (Portable build only, add as a chum in your chumroll (chanServ) to bother otherwise): Used to register memos. It's how people get those nice looking automatic intro things.
ABOUT: Opens a window saying who helped with what
REPORT BUG: This appears to work but actually does nothing. Use this thread instead.
Last edited by arcaneAgilmente on Sat Dec 21, 2019 7:51 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by arcaneAgilmente » Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:23 pm


There are six kinds of quirks! I'll teach you how to use them all! (In this section, I will use quotes ("") around things so it's clearer to see exactly what to type! Don't include these quotes when using these examples!

Also, note that your quirks will not work until you save them by hitting "OK" on the Quirk window.

CHEAT SHEET (all trolls' quirks) ... uirks.mkdn

Prefix/Suffix: This will put text before or after everything you
say. So for example, we can use prefixes to emulate part of Nepeta or Equius' quirks:
PREFIX: ":33 < "
You type: "*ac twitches her friendly whiskers at ct*"
AC: :33 < *ac twitches her friendly whiskers at ct*

PREFIX: "D --> "
You type: "Hi"
CT: D --> Hi

Suffixes work the same way, but at the end of the message:
SUFFIX: "!!!"
You type: hey there
AA: hey there!!!

Remember that it doesn't automatically add a space! You'll need to add it in (see CT and AC examples again!)
Simple Replace:
This will simply take a set of characters and replace them with other characters. Let's add a quirk to our Nepeta:
Replace: "ee" With: "33"
You type: "*ac saunters from her dark cave a little bit sleepy from the recent kill*"
AC: :33 < *ac saunters from her dark cave a little bit sl33py from the recent kill*

Let's add two to Equius:
Replace: "loo" With: "100"
Replace: "x" With "%"
You type: "look"
CT: D --> 100k
You type: "What are you expecting to accomplish with this"
CT: D --> What are you e%pecting to accomplish with this

Replace: "o" With: "0"
You type: "and the reward would be within our reach"
AA: and the reward w0uld be within 0ur reach

Notice that it is CASE SENSITIVE. So in the above case, if you typed "ABSCOND", it would not replace the "O".

Replace: "i" With: "ii"
Replace: "s" With: "2"
Replace: "to" With: "two"
Replace: "too" With: "two"

Replace: "v" With: "vv"
Replace: "w" With: "ww"

Replace: "h" with: ")("
Replace: "H" with: ")("
Replace: "E" with: "-E"
Regexp Replace:
This is a more complex kind of replacement. Regexp stands for "regular expression", a kind of programming language (yes, it is a language) used to find and replace text. PC 3.14 also includes a function to handle capitalization (upper()). If you want to learn it on your own, I suggest you start with the Python tutorial ( ) since PC 3.14 uses Python's regexps. Check out V2.5's tutorial too, as that is a pretty good start as well. (You can find it in the old 2.5 zip file.)

Let's start with Karkat. Regexps are just like your every day find and replace: they search for a string that matches what you want to replace, and replaces it with... the replacement.
Regexp: "(.)" Replace with: "upper(\1)"

Three concepts here. Let's look at the regexp. "(.)" has two things going on. The first is that ".". In regexp speak, "." is the wildcard: it will match *any* character -- and just one.

The parentheses tell the regexp to *save* what's inside them so you can put it back when you replace. That's what the "\1" is for -- it means, "put the match inside parentheses #1 here". You can have any number of parentheses.

"upper()" is a function special to PC 3.14 -- it will uppercase anything inside the parentheses. So in this case, upper will uppercase "\1" -- which, as you recall is what we found inside the parentheses. Which was *every* character. So to sum up, it replaces every character with an uppercase version of that character. WHICH MAKES YOU TALK LIKE THIS.

As of 3.14.1, there are three other functions:

lower(): makes letters lowercase
scramble(): randomizes the order of the letters
reverse(): reverses the order of the letters

Let's look at Terezi next.

Regexp: "[aA]" Replace with: "4"
Regexp: "[iI]" Replace with: "1"
Regexp: "[eE]" Replace with: "3"
Regexp: "(.)" Replace with: "upper(\1)"


We already know what the last line does. But what's up with those brackets? What's their deal? Basically, in regular expressions, brackets indicate a list of matching characters. So, basically any single character within the brackets will be matched. In this case, either "a" or "A" will be matched and replaced with "4," and likewise, "i" and "I" will be replaced with "1", and "e" and "E" will be replaced with "3."

You should also know that "^" is a special character in brackets. If placed immediately after the opening bracket (like "[^"), then the brackets instead match every character *except* the ones in the brackets. So, for example, if you wanted to have a quirk where you capitalized all your letters *except* o, you'd do this:

Regexp: "([^o])" Replace with: "upper(\1)"
You type: "hello there"

You can also specify a *range* of characters inside the brackets, by using the "-" character. [a-z] will match any lowercase letter. You can combine them, too: [a-z0-9] will match any digit and lowercase letter.

There are also different shortcuts for character types:

\d matches any digit; same as [0-9]
\D matches any non-digit; same as [^0-9]
\s matches any spaces
\S matches any non-space
\w matches any alphanumeric character; same as [a-zA-Z0-9_]
\W matches any non-alphanumeric character; same as [^a-zA-Z0-9_]

You can include this inside brackets, too.

There's also a special character, \b. What \b does is make sure that you are at the beginning or end of a word. So with that knowledge, let's try Kanaya:

Regexp: \b(\w) Replace with: upper(\1)
You type: "i suggest you come to terms with it"
GA: I Suggest You Come To Terms With It

Another feature of regular expressions is the ability to match *repeated* characters. There are three repeat characters: the "*", the "+", "?", and "{m,n}". They work by playing them after the character, or character type you want to match. (So, you could say "\s+" or ".*")

The "*" character matches ZERO or more of that character. So, for example, "f*" would match "f" and "ff" -- and any other character! That's right, every character counts as matching it zero times. Yeah, it's weird. I suggest you use...

The "+" character matches ONE or more of that character. So, if we wanted to have a character that wanted to elongate their s's so that they used four 's's every time, like sssso, but didn't want to have eight s's when using words with double s's, like pass, we'd do this:

Regexp: "s+" Replace with: "ssss"
You type: "you shall not pass"
UU: you sssshall not passss

As for the other two, I can't really think of any useful quirks to be made with them. But to let you know, "?" matches either 0 or 1 of that character, so "trolls?" would match "troll" and "trolls". "{m,n}" matches between m and n characters. (If you leave out 'n', any number of characters more than m will be matched.) So "s{2,4}" will match "ss", "sss", and "ssss" and that's it.

Now with repeating expressions, we can do something like make EVERY other WORD capitalized:

Regexp: "(\w+) (\w+)" Replace with: "upper(\1) \2"
You type: "this is pretty annoying i bet"
AA: THIS is PRETTY annoying I bet

The \1 matches the first word -- which has been matched because the word is alphanumeric characters, repeated once or more -- and \2 matches the second word.

Another operator to use is the "|", which will match more than one set of characters. For example, "black|red" will match "black" or "red". If you want to match something in the middle of words, you have to use parentheses: "(black|red) romance" will match "black romance" and "red romance".

Finally, there are the "^" and "$" characters. Yes, we already did the "^" character, but this is OUTSIDE of brackets, not INSIDE. "^" matches the beginning of a message, and "$" matches the end of it. You can use this to make more sophisticated prefix and suffix behaviors. For example, if we have a quirk that adds "..." to the end of all our messages, we can set it up so it doesn't do that if we put punctuation [?!.] at the end. So:

Regexp: "([^?!.])$" Replace with: "\1..."

This will match the end of any message as long as it doesn't have "?", "!", or "." at the end. Then it will replace it with whatever the last character of the sentence was (remember we're replacing it, so we have to put it back!) and add "..." at the end.

Careful with the beginning and ending replaces -- if you use more than one, you may not get what you expect because they will ALL be applied, one after the other! This is a bug in my opinion, that I plan to fix!
Random Replace:
Just like the regexp replace, except that instead of just one thing to replace it with, you give it a list. PC will then choose from that list randomly. If I wanted to randomly replace the word "dog" with either "cat" or "dog":
It uses regexps, so I could have it so my letters were capitalized randomly:

Let's say I want to randomly end my sentences with either "bro" or "dog":

Regexp: "$" Replace with: "bro" and "dog"

You can also imitate Araida's random "ribbits" in between words:

Regexp: "\s" Replace with: " ribbit ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", etc....

where " " is just a blank space added a bunch of times. (You can see how many blank spaces you've added by clicking on the list.) You have to add the spaces because each entry has the same chance of being selected. (Yes, I know this could be improved.) If you add " ribbit " and 9 spaces, " ribbit " will have a 1/10 chance of being picked.

Also note that if you add more than one prefix or more than one suffix, it will pick randomly from them instead of adding them both!
Be careful with thsi one. The mispeller will randomly mispell x% of the words you type -- where x is the percentage you set the slider to. I have attempted to mimic SBaHJ mispelling style but whoof knows what will happen oh god ive created a mosnter
Last edited by arcaneAgilmente on Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by BrobyDDark » Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:39 pm

So it returns. Whatever happened to ghostDunk? Did he drop the project after the og MSPAF died?

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by arcaneAgilmente » Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:46 pm

BrobyDDark wrote:
Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:39 pm
So it returns. Whatever happened to ghostDunk? Did he drop the project after the og MSPAF died?
He hasn't even logged into the server since at least 2014 so I've no actual clue.

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by Fresh » Tue Dec 24, 2019 6:05 pm

damn, this is still a thing? hype.

if anyone wants to get all nostalgic about the old pesterchum days lmk. I have plenty of stories to tell, none of them good.

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by chromaticThespian » Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:30 pm

oh lord, finally there's an official way to get help with the program! the subreddit hasn't been too helpful.

on my desktop, i can't actually pick a handle. no matter what i type in on startup, it defaults to pesterClient[numbers]. if i press the switch button, it does nothing. doesn't open a dialogue box, or throw an error, just a load of nothing. switching themes throws an error "Theme Error: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xa8 in position 22: ordinal non in range(128)"

here's the debug.log

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by peppy » Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:26 pm

ive had pesterchum for about 4 years and never noticed the random encounter button. the ive soon notice thats its been offline for some years. what happened to it? :amazed:

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by lavendersiren » Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:58 am

Random encounters are ran by some kinda server-side thing so somebody has to like, turn it on or something. I'm not sure about the exact details tho.
I'm suddenly reminded that I have a ton of saved memologs that need to get their html set to a stylesheet. the raw html output without style isn't exactly the easiest thing to read. I have a stylesheet on hand, but the sheer number of memologs from the 2-3 years of watching over a set of memos would make the conversion process extremely cumbersome if done manually, especially considering I have a day-job, higher priority projects, and no audience to produce these formatted pages for aside from myself.
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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by arcaneAgilmente » Thu Jan 02, 2020 8:46 pm

chromaticThespian wrote:
Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:30 pm
oh lord, finally there's an official way to get help with the program! the subreddit hasn't been too helpful.

on my desktop, i can't actually pick a handle. no matter what i type in on startup, it defaults to pesterClient[numbers]. if i press the switch button, it does nothing. doesn't open a dialogue box, or throw an error, just a load of nothing. switching themes throws an error "Theme Error: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xa8 in position 22: ordinal non in range(128)"

here's the debug.log
What's your windows username? (C:\Users\THE_THING_HERE) Are there any accented characters in it?
lavendersiren wrote:
Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:58 am
Random encounters are ran by some kinda server-side thing so somebody has to like, turn it on or something. I'm not sure about the exact details tho.
The random encounter bot wasn't run by ghostDunk or anyone else I know. It went down in 2011ish and never came back. It would have to be remade from scratch and I never bothered to.

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by MorganMustDie » Thu Jan 02, 2020 9:26 pm

Random encounters went down? But I remember it periodically switching back online here and there seemingly at random all the way up to 2018. Granted, I haven't checked the program since around that time so can't confirm if it still works these days, but it was still avaliable once every few days for short amounts of time. I theorised maybe it only switched on when there were a certain number of people online with random encounters switched to yes, but never knew how to check that myself
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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by arcaneAgilmente » Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:56 pm

MorganMustDie wrote:
Thu Jan 02, 2020 9:26 pm
Random encounters went down? But I remember it periodically switching back online here and there seemingly at random all the way up to 2018. Granted, I haven't checked the program since around that time so can't confirm if it still works these days, but it was still avaliable once every few days for short amounts of time. I theorised maybe it only switched on when there were a certain number of people online with random encounters switched to yes, but never knew how to check that myself
get on the handle randomEncounter and check the menu again. It'll be clickable but nothing will happen.

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by MorganMustDie » Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:17 am

arcaneAgilmente wrote:
Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:56 pm
get on the handle randomEncounter and check the menu again. It'll be clickable but nothing will happen.
Right now it might be yes but back in 2018 I actually USED the Random Encounter button and found myself connected to someone else online, I have quite a few nice memories from those conversations desu.

I'd dig up the logs, but I switched computers between now and then and have no idea whether or not I can track them down
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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by arcaneAgilmente » Fri Jan 03, 2020 8:51 am

MorganMustDie wrote:
Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:17 am
arcaneAgilmente wrote:
Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:56 pm
get on the handle randomEncounter and check the menu again. It'll be clickable but nothing will happen.
Right now it might be yes but back in 2018 I actually USED the Random Encounter button and found myself connected to someone else online, I have quite a few nice memories from those conversations desu.

I'd dig up the logs, but I switched computers between now and then and have no idea whether or not I can track them down
interesting. i'll take a look and see what I can come up with.

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by Nep » Fri Jan 03, 2020 5:50 pm

I think I'll take the debug since the program refuses to open up at all.
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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by chromaticThespian » Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:10 am

arcaneAgilmente wrote:
Thu Jan 02, 2020 8:46 pm
chromaticThespian wrote:
Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:30 pm
oh lord, finally there's an official way to get help with the program! the subreddit hasn't been too helpful.

on my desktop, i can't actually pick a handle. no matter what i type in on startup, it defaults to pesterClient[numbers]. if i press the switch button, it does nothing. doesn't open a dialogue box, or throw an error, just a load of nothing. switching themes throws an error "Theme Error: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xa8 in position 22: ordinal non in range(128)"

here's the debug.log
What's your windows username? (C:\Users\THE_THING_HERE) Are there any accented characters in it?
huh, yeah, there actually are. put them there by accident on first time startup and never figured out how to change them. i guess i'll try fixing that! thanks!

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by milk » Thu Jan 09, 2020 4:32 am

There's no sound what-so-ever on the mac version. Is this a bug? I've been trying to find sound on the application on mac for hours and to no avail. It was only when I opened the MacOS folder in the package contents and double clicked Pesterchum to see that on line 4 of the terminal log, it says "Warning: No sound!"

Will this be fixed in the future? Or will this just have to do? :distraught:

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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by Hydrothermal » Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:00 am

hey new thread nice, I put the random encounter bot back online for y'all. there's like 6 people left on pesterchum but now you can talk to each other ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

fyi it's been a long time since it was last online so the cached users have been purged which means everyone who actually wants to receive new encounters will need to toggle that switch again (also I make no promises about uptime or reliability :olliesouty:)
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Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Post by griska » Thu Feb 06, 2020 7:37 pm

Hydrothermal wrote:
Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:00 am
hey new thread nice, I put the random encounter bot back online for y'all. there's like 6 people left on pesterchum but now you can talk to each other ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

fyi it's been a long time since it was last online so the cached users have been purged which means everyone who actually wants to receive new encounters will need to toggle that switch again (also I make no promises about uptime or reliability :olliesouty:)
Thanks so much! It's nice to meet new people on this application. :D

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