So, I was watching The Goonies at the movie theater today (they were playing it for the 40th anniversary) and noticed something particularly fascinating:

Look familiar? It should.

One eyepatch, seven little thingies embedded. Coincidence? I think not! It's strikingly obvious that Hussie took inspiration from One-Eyed Willy's eyepatch and used it for Vriska's eyepatch as well as her actual eyeball. What I found interesting was that I could not find ONE PIECE (pun not intended) of information about this anywhere online! No posts, no comments, no mention of this connection whatsoever. Unless pirates having seven-studded patches is a common thing that's managed to fly over my head, this has to be the explanation for it! Maybe I'm just an idiot and didn't look hard enough, but for now, it seems like a pretty cool discovery. Thoughts?