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Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 11:58 pm
by florrie
More or less in reaction to the official Homestuck Bandcamp's flattening, I've made a new fan wiki which avoids the problems caused by that and adds a bunch of handy new features to boot. Check it out! Here are some key points:
  • Track art: Every single track has its original track art, plus credits to the people who drew it.
  • All albums: All the compilation albums have been expanded to their original albums. Solo and themed albums missing from the Bandcamp are present here.
  • Listening links: Easily listen to any track by clicking the link on its page.
  • Artist pages: See all the tracks written or collaborated upon by your favorite artists.
  • Artist commentary: Read artists' thoughts on their tracks, archived from their tumblrs and similar places.
  • Leitmotif/music references: See all the tracks which reference Doctor.
The site is still WIP and very, very young, so feel free to suggest any ideas and share feedback! Thanks for taking a look. :)

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:20 am
by spankety
Official music, or are you going to work with fanmusic too? Somewhere in my messages i've been in contact with whoever made the extant Fanmusic Wiki, if they aren't already around here themself. Maybe they would be of help to this project, if it's to expand in that direction. But also, such an endeavor may be better served by

Re: leitmotif reference, there was a chart/site posted to Reddit......... last year? that did a T O N of work in this area both in published HS music and unpublished Sound Test music iirc.

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 9:04 am
by florrie
spankety wrote:
Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:20 am
Official music, or are you going to work with fanmusic too? Somewhere in my messages i've been in contact with whoever made the extant Fanmusic Wiki, if they aren't already around here themself. Maybe they would be of help to this project, if it's to expand in that direction. But also, such an endeavor may be better served by
Just official music, at least for now. Having a site like this for fanmusic would definitely be neat too! It's just a project I'm not particularly working on right now. Technically the code could 100% support it well though.
Re: leitmotif reference, there was a chart/site posted to Reddit......... last year? that did a T O N of work in this area both in published HS music and unpublished Sound Test music iirc.
NSND, perhaps? That's what I used :P

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 5:53 pm
by Monckat
this is awesome! i really appreciate the lists of all the music made by each composer, i've been looking for something like that for a long time.

i wonder if you ought to include tensei's Strife 2, as an album by an official composer referencing official motifs i personally consider it pretty much official.

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:08 pm
by florrie
Monckat wrote:
Wed Nov 20, 2019 5:53 pm
this is awesome! i really appreciate the lists of all the music made by each composer, i've been looking for something like that for a long time.

i wonder if you ought to include tensei's Strife 2, as an album by an official composer referencing official motifs i personally consider it pretty much official.
thank you!! ive considered albums like those but decided against it to maintain an archive roughly equivalent in structure to (but more useful than) the bandcamp... but ive seen a lot of want for a site which includes unofficial albums too, and i can see the value in that, so like.. i am still considering it :P

(ps ooh im super behind but ive seen your fancomic, i really enjoyed reading what i have from it!!)

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 7:23 pm
by rookie1978
i love this and im glad it exists

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:20 am
by Darth_Energon
Much appreciated.

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:33 am
by SC
This is GOOD. My only nitpicks are that I'd probably change the site font from Times to Arial, to make it more like the Bandcamp.

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:38 pm
by power464646
Me and a bunch of other folks over at UnofficialMSPAFans tried putting something like this together shortly after we released Land Of Fans And Music 4. I don't think we ever really completed it, but there's some information on it that could probably of some use to your wiki.

https://homestuck-and-mspa-music.fandom ... Music_Wiki

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 8:19 pm
by Kidpen
Just gonna say that I've really been liking this and using it a lot. I will say that I would like a 'Page(s) this track was in' spot just cause I like having that information. Obviously it wouldnt apply to everything, but something to think about!

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 5:40 pm
by foreverFlummoxed
I am curious as to if pointing out small errors found on the wiki is allowed, I've found a few small things but don't want to seem like "uGh You DId a tHInG WRoNg anD i KnoW mOrE THan yoU" cause that just seems like a shitty way to be, at any time, anywhere, ever. (anyway there were three small things that I have found: The La2t Frontiier is spelled wrong, and both The Blind Prophet and Rex Duodecim Angelus do not list The La2t Frontiier as a track that they refernce)(also apparently Horsechestra STRONG Version references Staring but I have personally never been able to hear it)

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 10:55 am
by florrie
foreverFlummoxed wrote:
Thu Feb 06, 2020 5:40 pm
I am curious as to if pointing out small errors found on the wiki is allowed, I've found a few small things but don't want to seem like "uGh You DId a tHInG WRoNg anD i KnoW mOrE THan yoU" cause that just seems like a shitty way to be, at any time, anywhere, ever.
thank you for asking! totally, please do tell me anything you notice - ill be sure to get them fixed right away and i very very much appreciate it when people tell me things like this, i want to make as complete and accurate a resource as possible :)
Kidpen wrote:
Tue Jan 21, 2020 8:19 pm
Just gonna say that I've really been liking this and using it a lot. I will say that I would like a 'Page(s) this track was in' spot just cause I like having that information. Obviously it wouldnt apply to everything, but something to think about!
per popular request from you and others, this has now finally been implemented! have a look :D

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:09 pm
by Kidpen
florrie wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 10:55 am
per popular request from you and others, this has now finally been implemented! have a look :D
Oh heck this is amazing. Thanks for all the work you do on this!

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:13 pm
by florrie
with the release of DIVERGING DELICACIES, ive decided to add fan albums to the site! currently, only this new release has an album page, but you can expect to see the rest from unofficialmspafans soon. the homepage has been updated; track references are divided between official and fandom releases. have fun browsing! :olliesouty:

oh, also, remember: any feedback is always welcome here! id love links to other fandom-created albums youd like to see collected here; feel free to share!

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:07 pm
by foreverFlummoxed

Flashes that include Harlequin (that aren't listed) [S] YOU THERE. BOY. and [S] ==> (page 338). page 338 also features JOHN DO THE WINDY THING from Land of Fans and Music Vol. 3 (no, I'm serious).

[S] ACT 6 INTERMISSION 3 GameGrl (1993 orig. mix) is actualy NOT the song that plays although it is an understandable mistake as the actual song has not been released: Image

It seems that whenever a page is worked on that page may "reset" the image used, so it might be something to watch in the future (this was my first conclusion i jumped to as soon after The La2t Frontiier was updated, the image was gone. so this may just be something went wrong at a strange time), also The Thirteenth Hour doesn't seem to have an image on it's page? I can't think of anymore that currently have an image issue without searching thoroughly so I'll leave it at that.

Keep up the good work! :rosecool: Love how this wiki has turned out so far!

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:07 pm
by florrie
foreverFlummoxed wrote:
Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:07 pm
yo, tyvm!!
Flashes that include Harlequin (that aren't listed) [S] YOU THERE. BOY. and [S] ==> (page 338). page 338 also features JOHN DO THE WINDY THING from Land of Fans and Music Vol. 3 (no, I'm serious).
oh my god.

i was just listening to lofam3 for the first time today. thank you for this critical trivia. :')
[S] ACT 6 INTERMISSION 3 GameGrl (1993 orig. mix) is actualy NOT the song that plays although it is an understandable mistake as the actual song has not been released: Image
oh right!! i set it to GameGrl since it was the closest thing to the actual release - but ive got a new "unreleased tracks" collection/album which is a perfect fit for the track. thanks for reminding me about this!
It seems that whenever a page is worked on that page may "reset" the image used, so it might be something to watch in the future (this was my first conclusion i jumped to as soon after The La2t Frontiier was updated, the image was gone. so this may just be something went wrong at a strange time), also The Thirteenth Hour doesn't seem to have an image on it's page? I can't think of anymore that currently have an image issue without searching thoroughly so I'll leave it at that.
ooh, right. when i changed the name of the song, it changed the songs "directory" too, which is the kebab-cased-like-this shortcode used for the directory the track is outputted to - but also the expected filename for the track image, in its albums folder. so its looking for the-la2t-frontiier.jpg, and i forgot to rename the existing image file to the new name. thanks!
Keep up the good work! :rosecool: Love how this wiki has turned out so far!
thank you for the feedback and compliments!! theres going to be a fairly large new update out soon - next day or two, with luck; ill totes get these fixed. thanks for continuing to use the site and send feedback! :apple:

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:39 pm
by florrie
LoFaM, random track button, Vol. 5 art and more!

a large new update to the site has gone live! additions include:
  1. the Land of Fans and Music albums have been added, including full commentary for each album! i vastly underestimated the size of LoFaM 4's booklet; that's the main reason this update was delayed a couple days.
  2. Unreleased Tracks is a new album, containing such renowned tracks as Penumbra Phantasm, so that you can easily see where these tracks have been referenced and find links for listening to them online!
  3. a new random track button has been added to the sidebar of every album, and you can access a whole host of links at the Random Pages listing!
  4. the Homestuck Vol. 5 Anthology has been mirrored on hsmusic, to help people discover the amazing community track arts organized there!
  5. a number of minor fixes and tweaks have been made to make the site a bit cleaner in general. such includes: artists' art listings show who they collaborated with, a number of duplicate artist names have been combined, and various other typos have been fixed!
as always, feedback is appreciated!
thanks for continuing to use the site and send feedback :apple:

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:52 pm
by Makin

SBURB is online again! Now it can be linked on the respective wiki pages.

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:53 pm
by luigi
yAY! Now all that's left is the Wanderers right?

Re: Homestuck Music Wiki

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:21 pm
by foreverFlummoxed
Wanderers, Prospit and Derse, and lastly Squiddles and that will be all the albums finally up again