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Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:15 pm
by Deageon
"You lived on Alternia? I thought err, trolls were the type to see an alien and..." Jonathan mimes a stabbing motion with his hand, chuckling a little. "Go all like that. And yeah, uh, didn't get to the god tier stuff yet unfortunately."

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:33 pm
by lml55
well if it weren't for me being on alternia i wouldn't be here for i sleep in a recipicoon which while it calms trolls nightmares so it calms me to a state where FUCKED up things me in dream bubble happen
also i'm just a bit interested in my species culture but i have never met another human

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:35 pm
by deadlyAdder
"how are you still alive if you lived on alternia your whole life" "i sleep in recuperacoon zzzzzz"

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:42 pm
by lml55
it's because the fact that sopor is meant to help troll with the weird nightmares they get calming their mind but for a human it puts then into a state where their mind are at a state of where things at the supernatural level happen trust me at one point i found myself outside of my body...... yeah it's pretty FUCKED up at times
ooc)) I know this character is a bit weird being a human on alternia and all but the character is a bit unique on purpose

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 9:37 pm
by Deageon
"How do you even know that you are human, if you've like, never met one before? And err...I'm going to just say that I don't know enough about whatever a recuperacoon is to agree or disagree on that supernatural stuff."

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:11 am
by lml55
I know I'm human because i had different looks than the trolls and i was told as soon as possible that i was human to prevent the weird thing other humans do when they live with another species where they believe they are that species

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:02 pm
by Deageon
"Err...who told you, then? And you still didn't exactly answer how you survived on Alternia for who knows how long, Trolls really don't like those who deviate from the norm." Jonathan chuckles a little, seeming to be thinking back on something. "Once I had a dude, err, teal or somethin' that threatened to cull me and destroy my home for being well, not a troll. Thank fuck it was over the internet, hah!" That laugh is a bit nervous in a way, trying to not offend or anything. After another few seconds of thinking, the dumbass turns to the Void-aspected player. "Sorry about uh, not telling you my name, I'm Jonathan."

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:25 pm
by finallyDeme
Out of a tree falls a JADEBLOOD, 7.38 sweeps to be exact. They have jagged horns. If they were fused together, they'd seem to make a Christmas tree. They have a brown scarf and a Christmas, or 12th Perigree's Eve, sweater on. They have long boots and hand-me-down jeans. They get up, only to be hit by a human teen about the same size as them. The jadeblood scowls at the human, the human returning the favor. The human has curly pinkish-brown hair, partly shaved on the side. They also have glasses, a hoodie with pictures of space on it, and baggy shorts. The two argue.

JADEBLOOD: [!] why'd you follow me here [!]
HUMAN: Oh, that's rich! Why'd I ever follow you? You're the traitor!
JADEBLOOD: [!] right and i'm supposed to believe that i dropped the alchemeiter on your weird human lusus on purpose [!]
HUMAN: Yes, you did!
JADEBLOOD: [!] my internet cut out, dumbass! [!]

They suddenly seem to notice that there are other people nearby. They chuckle nervously.

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:31 pm
by Nep
Nariet understood why Jonathan was feeling a little uncomfortable. The... odd human was way too odd and unpredictable that it even made the void player too uncomfortable to be near them and believe me, void players are very used about things like that.

NARIET: Well It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Jonathan.
NARIET: I'm going to chat with Ms. Jaradi. But you're free to accompany me if you wish so.

Nariet would calmly back away from... The odd human while looking at Jaradi and Alcard. She chooses to pick to chat with Jaradi as she presses for more information regarding... About how she found out about her presence. The god tier player kept her wings tucked in for some reason as she tried to not freak out about getting closer to the highblood.

NARIET: So um. . . This bubble is a bit crowded, isn't it?
NARIET: This place does look nice however, did it belong to you Ms. Jaradi?

She seemed to first try to get acquainted with the highblood through means of conversation. She decided she'll catch up with the non-weird human later, especially since she hadn't seen one in a while... like a real while. She'll however avoid to try to mention anything about the true goal she has in mind.

NARIET: A-Also... I'm quite surprised you found me that easily. How did you manage that?

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:57 pm
by deadlyAdder
Jaradi seems to perk up a little before thinking.

JARADI: ( in anSswer to your firSst queSstion, no it doeSs not belong to me it iSs not from my home planet. where i am from the grasSSs iSs red and the sSand iSs a pleasSant blue. )
JARADI: ( aSs for your sSecond quesStion, i waSs taught how to detect met-tah thingSs by a perSson with a sStar for a head and aSs sSuch detected your preSsence once the written information reached my mind. )

Jaradi thinks for a moment, before she decides to lift her mask a little, just to reveal her mouth (although some more scars can be partially seen too), and she gives Nariet a friendly, fanged smile. Then she quickly lowers her mask again, and blinks. One might get the sense that this isn't something she does often, if at all.

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:01 pm
by Deageon
Woah! People falling out of a tree? Wack, man. Jonathan nods towards the Void player after she says she was going to chat with Jaradi, but got his attention pulled away towards the jadeblood and the human that appeared to be arguing quite intently. He doesn't say anything, continuing his policy of don't get involved in anything unless someone's about to be murdered, watching and muttering to himself out-loud something about "why are there so many people here".

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:08 pm
by MP the OP OG
don't a$k me. U$ely their I$nt many people in one bubble at a time. At le$t in my experience. But I would let them fight. Were already gho$t$. If we could die what would we be, double dead?
He chuckles at his own shity joke.
I'm just glad crazy ma$k troll i$ di$tracted

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:18 pm
by finallyDeme
The jadeblood and the human walk away from each other, each of them going to the people similar to them. The human strikes up conversation with Jonathan, the jadeblood walking over to Jaradi.

JADEBLOOD: [-] hey, uh, i'm cedric. cedric atlase [-]

HUMAN: Hey, so uh, being human, am I right? Why are there so many trolls here anyway?

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:36 pm
by Deageon
"I for one am definitely not a ghost, because I'm sure I would remember if I had...died horribly to some sort of horrible beast. Or something. Aaaanyway." The ginger ass lad turns to the new human approaching him. "Well, statistically I guess there'd be a larger chance for having more trolls than humans due to how many there are, but otherwise? I have absolutely no idea, and I don't really feel like questioning the weird machinations of the universe." He accentuates his point about the weird machinations of the universe with some hand-waving and a shrug, mostly clueless.

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:40 pm
by finallyDeme
HUMAN: Wow ok. I'm Alex, what about you?

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:00 pm
by MP the OP OG
well mo$t people don't remember their death$ right away. But in all likelyhood you are dead.

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:02 pm
by finallyDeme
ALEX: If your eyes are white, you're dead.

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:50 pm
by Deageon
"Jonathan, Jonathan Conteras. You can call me Jona, or Conteras, or uh...whatever you want as long as it's not blatantly derogatory." Jona's eyes were firmly not white, indicating that he wasn't dead just yet.

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:56 pm
by deadlyAdder
Jaradi turns to the jadeblood, her attention diverted for a moment.

JARADI: ( ...hello... )
She then turns back to Nariet.

Re: The Bubble Machine

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 9:00 pm
by finallyDeme
CEDRIC: [=] so uh [=]