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Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:00 pm
by Merlin
>Purple squid guy on ship, notice the robot was helping one of your kind and bread free to save him!


Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:14 pm
by luigi
BrobyDDark wrote:
Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:45 am
>Have the robot brought to the brig and tortured. Personally oversee it yourself, even.
How do you torture a pair of ROBOTIC LEGS? You want that magic fork but you'll have to send a strike force out after them, seeing as they've just flown away...

The WORKER tells you nervously that a BOUNTY HUNTING ROBOT has just been arrested on the deck for trying to use a TRITOPUS as some sort of battering ram. Together they killed many WORKERS and SOLDIERS but a MESSIANIC FIGURE came down from space and slayed the TRITOPUS before flying away. You realize he's talking about the LEGS that just flew away. You decide to just leave them to their own devices. At worst they're mischevious, and at best their murderous tendencies are doing you favors.
BrobyDDark wrote:
Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:45 am
>Have the robot brought to the brig and tortured. Personally oversee it yourself, even.
You aren't going to torture a robot, that's nonsense. But you do want it brought to you, so you can read its memories and redistribute any helpful upgrades to the rest of your crew. You tell the WORKER to have it sent to your personal TECHNOCHAMBER.

You don't like using the public computers because these robots have a tendency to find stuff left open like emails and social media, and they like to snoop. It's always so embarrassing.
23toedbasket wrote:
Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:22 am
>Robot:reclaim legs and run away!
Thank fuck for modular design! You steal the legs of the guy carrying you and begin your chase after your BOUNTY. These legs are a lot weaker than your old ones though. They kind of suck really.
They've flown really far out there with the FORK. To get it back you'll need to be able to propel yourself through space at great speeds. It's too bad G'KGLAHTULON is dead.
Merlin wrote:
Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:00 pm
>Purple squid guy on ship, notice the robot was helping one of your kind and break free to save him!
If you could simply "break free" from these constraints you would have done it by now. You desperately want to help this apparent ally, but you aren't sure how. They are currently running away but you have faith this is just a strategic retreat. They wouldn't leave you to die on the deck of this ship... you think, wishfully.


Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:18 pm
by 23toedbasket
>robot: Free the third squid and wreak purple squishy havoc as the two of you get away!


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:53 pm
by Merlin
chase legs


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:04 pm
by luigi
23toedbasket wrote:
Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:18 pm
>Robot: Free the third squid and wreak purple squishy havoc as the two of you get away!
You've grown to like these things in the last hour, so you won't stand for any abuse towards them! Also you're trying to get back to at least neutral KARMA as penance for brutally vaporizing one to death earlier. You kick this shitty lesser robot in the face with his brethren's lame mass-produced legs and begin undoing the cords that hold this toothless TRITOPUS down.
As you begin undoing the second knot some more robo-enforcements show up. They're yelling at you to stop, but you don't give a shit about they're opinions because you're way stronger than them. After all, you weren't mass produced. You're a specially made BOUNTY HUNTER with all kinds of badass combat skills.
Strong as you may be, they have the numbers advantage. They manage to pin you down and take your arm away. You overhear them say something about taking you to the "EMPRESS" for "PHOTORECOLLECTION AND REPROGRAMMING." You only know what the latter word means, but you know it is a BAD, BAD word to have as a verb that happens to you.

Sorry big guy, maybe later!
Merlin wrote:
Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:53 pm
>Chase legs.
You can't chase your LEGS because you're currently being carried into the large red building at this end of the FRIGATE, although you guess since you're being carried inside feet-first the rest of you is technically chasing after the legs you currently have equipped.

Also, it looks like they do have some surlier Robo-Guards on staff here after all.


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:16 pm
by 23toedbasket
legs: use forktech 26 METAPHYSICAL REPOSITIONING and teleport to the second closest vessel to continue space piracy


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:54 pm
by Merlin
> Break free through trickery
> save space squid


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:11 am
by IamtheFather
>Be the Twins. At least one of them


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:45 am
by Generalrabogolfo
>be another robot on another ship.


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:11 am
by luigi
Roboquest and DCG on hiatus for a week.


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 1:46 pm
by IamtheFather


Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 1:54 am
by RancidRancor
>use your :cool: keen :cool: robotic :cool: charm n' woo the metaphorical pants off this lady (... unless?)


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:09 pm
by luigi
23toedbasket wrote:
Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:16 pm
>Legs: Use FORKTECH LEVEL 26: METAPHYSICAL REPOSITIONING and teleport to the second closest vessel to continue space piracy.
You use the designated FORKTECH to move CANON around yourself. Your location is the second closest SPACE VESSEL to you. Second Closest because that RED FRIGATE is a bit too big for your britches as they stand; which is to say, missing a foot and comprising literally your entire being right now. Because you are LEGS, and have no body beyond that.

The FORKTECH sends you to...
The ROBOT's SHIP. Not really what you were hoping for but hey, at least now you have squatter's rights. Way easier to steal something when it technically isn't illegal.
Merlin wrote:
Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:54 pm
>Robot: Break free through trickery.
You attempt to engage in trickery but you are being sat on by one of these lesser bots while you all wait for the elevator to come down and get you. They took the legs you stole when you entered, so it's back to hobbling for you.
Merlin wrote:
Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:54 pm
>Robot: Save space squid.
You would if you could, but now you're riding up in an elevator. These guys all seem really worried about dropping you off to their boss...
IamtheFather wrote:
Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:11 am
>Be the Twins. At least one of them.
Elsewhere on the FRIGATE, we examine a prisoner's cell...
You are now one of the TWINS. The female twin, to be precise. You stand in your CELL, trying to put as much distance between you and that awful clown as you can. It was a 'birthday present' from your wicked STEPMOM, the EMPRESS, but it has wrought nothing but stress and fear. The gift was obviously given passive aggressively, as she knows you despise clowns and she DEFINITELY knows about your brother's phobia of them. He is hiding somewhere in the room right now, too scared to leave his hiding spot lest he risk the clown spotting him. You are starting to worry about him, as he's been too scared to even eat for days now, and he's starting to get pretty skinny. You gotta do something to get rid of this HORRID HARLEQUIN!!!

But before you do anything you're going to need a NAME. Humans, unlike robots, have a lot of importance wrapped up in names, and if we are going to be playing as one for the next little bit we'll definitely need something to refer to you by.

What will the name of this HUMAN be?
Generalrabogolfo wrote:
Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:45 am
>Be another robot on another ship.
This is not a name, and means nothing to you. Try again!
RancidRancor wrote:
Sun Mar 22, 2020 1:54 am
>use your :cool: keen :cool: robotic :cool: charm n' woo the metaphorical pants off this lady (... unless?)
I'll use this one in the next upd8 batch.


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:32 pm
by Merlin


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:33 pm
by BrobyDDark
>Flim, and her brother is Flam


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:50 pm
by 23toedbasket
>Cinnamon Flim
>Sam Flam


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:00 pm
by luigi
Merlin wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:32 pm
Cinnamon? Cinnamon is a stripper's name! Or at least that's what the EMPRESS told you. You aren't sure what baking spice has to do with paint removal, but apparently it's super offensive to aliens so she told you never to call yourself Cinnamon.
BrobyDDark wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:33 pm
>Flim, and her brother is Flam.
Yeah that's right, your name is FLIM. As stupid as it is, this is your name. You really wish the old hag would just let you go by Cinnamon. Likewise your brother has always hated the name FLAM, and has asked on numerous occasions if he can just switch the beginning so his name is SAM instead but again, no dice. You'd be willing to meet her halfway at Cinnamon Flim and Sam Flam but she detests that idea, says human names are stupid and that these names better fit the customary naming traditions for young folks on her planet.

Whatever, fuck that contemptible space harlot. When you break out of here, whenever that may be, you are going to call yourself CINNAMON, regardless of whether or not it conjures images of paint remover in people's heads!!

Anyway, for now what do you do?
23toedbasket wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:50 pm
>Cinnamon Flim
>Sam Flam
Used in spirit


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 5:16 pm
by RancidRancor
>smash tha clown with tha big ass boombox.


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:51 pm
by BrobyDDark
>consider getting back at your step mother by joining the clown in detestable SPACE BUFFOONERY


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:58 pm
by luigi
Commands from irl friends / Merlin cause he's away from his computer:
>Gather your courage and confront the clown
>Cinnamon: Strip to a cheesy 2000s Chris Brown song